
Tuesday, April 20, 2010

Gardening In the Kitchen

The other day, I set my daughter to work disbudding last-year's lavender harvest (she had a grand time), and we made up a few sachets from scrap fabric.  There was only enough for a few sachets, so hopefully, if my lavender shrubs made it through the winter (one corner looks alive on one of them so far), I will plant a few more this year.

I'm still quite enjoying this fabric, so I was glad to find a good use for the scraps.  After all, this way I get to keep some of it to look at now and again.  I closed them up on the outside so that I could easily pick out the stitches to refill them in the future.

I've started a few seeds so far, and they're parked on the kitchen counter by the most convenient window.  This is by no means ideal, as we have to keep moving them around when we're washing dishes, and they don't really get as much light as I'd like.  I would love a nice set of grow-lights so that I could get the season started nice and early but still out of the way, but it's a little pricey, so I'm happy to make do. 

So far, I've started a bit of parsley, some dianthus, columbines, morning glories (pictured right), and cosmos.  I don't do a lot of veggies just yet (though I'd like to do more someday), but I'll be planting some peas outside any day now.

The cosmos only took two days to germinate, with a small portion of the morning glories just a few days behind, and the cosmos are pictured below to show just how tall they sprouted in five days.  I expect they'll be reaching too far over to try and get at the sun in no time, and end up spindly and weak.  Next time, I'll start them a bit later, I think.  Ah well, it's fun watching them grow all the same.

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