
Friday, June 29, 2012

Pictures of Pink Pinks

It seems I had better get a move-on if I want to have two posts this month. Not so long ago, I'm sure I did post twice a week, then my posts seem to have dwindled to a once-a-week thing, but I'm afraid that right now, it's not knitting season, it's not gardening season, but it's Gaelic Football season. This is wonderful enough for me and my football team, but it does little to provide content for the blog!

Today is the first day I've been out in the garden for ages. The bees have been busy, and I tried to follow their example today as I pulled weeds from the beds.

Really, it was pretty good timing to be out in the garden today, because there is a lot in bloom right now, especially my dianthus, also called pinks for the pinked (serrated-looking) edging. Last year I made an effort to expand my collection of pinks, and I'm quite enjoying the resulting show they are putting on at the moment!

I'm off in a few minutes on a training run for football (I told you it's not really gardening season, right?), but I'll leave you with this promise that I'll post again soon:

I am anticipating great things from this iris, which is just about to bloom for the first time, and I will share it with you when it does (hopefully along with some knitting photos to prove I'm still stitching away)!

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