Carpathian Bellflower |
Peachleaf Bellflower |
I really enjoy the Campanula in my garden, especially since they keep surprising me with long blooming periods, and for putting up with frost and utter neglect. I water them once in the spring, and then ignore them other than taking a few photos. I have a set of Peachleaf bellflowers, and a set of Carpathian bellflowers, and they spread bit by seed, though not enough to be a nuisance. As an added bonus, the bees seem to like them, and the foliage stays a lovely green well into fall.
And as for finished footwear, here they are, finished at last, one pair of
Flame Wave Socks
by Ann Budd, with slightly
unusual increases :

They're a little big for me, but that's just fine since they're for my mother-in-law, who is wonderful and deserves nice socks (so hopefully they're really comfortable to wear). I can't quite believe how long it took me to knit these, as it took almost no time for the second sock once I actually sat down and made myself work on them. For some reason, I couldn't quite memorize the pattern. It's not that it's a terribly tricky pattern or anything, but it just wouldn't stick in my head, so it was harder to convince myself to take the time to sit down with these and focus properly, at least until yesterday, when I had to ice my foot (due to an injury from indoor soccer caused by a collision with a player on the other team. She went flying, but came out alright, and my foot is a little sore still, but much better than yesterday). Now that I have actually taken time to knit these socks, they're done. Imagine that.
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