I have a nice little Zauberball hanging about, that was bought for making socks, and certainly didn't get knit into St. Patrick's Day socks as intended. The other day I decided that not only am I not going to knit that Zauberball into socks, but I'm not going to knit it at all. I'm crocheting it into a Boteh Scarf (by Kathy Merrick), and a lovely thing it is too.
I'll be sure to take some better pictures to show it off properly once it's finished. I'm really enjoying the process, and it's hard to put it down to do things like eat dinner, but it works up quickly, so be sure I won't starve in the meantime.
It's so very nice to do a spot of crochet now and again, and it reminded me that it's Crochet Month (at least, it is in the States, I'm not so sure about up here in Canada), and so why don't I add a crochet pattern to the blog? Now, I've had this pattern available on Ravelry for some time, but thought just the other day that perhaps a few readers would like to see it here too.
So, without further ado, here are a set of Tapestry Dice Bags (though, to be sure, you could use them for marbles or any other sort of treasure), just right for your favourite gaming group (we've been known to pull out the GURPS books, or even a bit of DnD now and again), and really, what mage doesn't need a dice bag adorned with fireballs?
Hope you enjoy them; happy crochet month!
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